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The Trent Severn Waterway Complete!

We spent a beautiful 6 nights transiting the 45 locks of the Trent Severn. Stops in Campbellford, Bobcaygeon and Orillia for sightseeing, supplies & laundry. Weather throughout was in the high 20's / low 30's with lots of humidity. We particularly enjoyed the nights we anchored in quiet, calm bays with only loons and waves making noise. Swimming each night to cool off, candlelight chillin' on the back deck and lazy mornings waking up to glass lakes.

We were surprised by the number of 'man made' canals that connect marshlands, rivers and lakes. Some of these were 10km long and only 20 feet wide. Fortunately, we never encountered another large boat along these stretches. We were also amazed at the concentration of cottages along the route. Boy, we Canadians sure do love our summer get-aways!

Parks Canada staff manage all of the locks, and are extremely pleasant and knowledgeable. They also LOVE dogs! At almost every lock, one of the staff approached with dog treats for Beau. He was spoiled and became pretty much trained to look for the staff in green uniforms. Two highlights from this stretch - going up the hydraulic lift in Peterborough and going down the 'Big Chute' in Port Severn (first 2 photos below).

Top of the 'big chute'. Boat is loaded onto a train car and sits on slings.  Water is drained from below and train travels down a track to the lower level of water.

Looking back up the chute from the bottom.

Entering lock #1 in Trenton.

Some of the locks are particularly high!

This was a 49' hydraulic lock but looked higher (and scary)

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