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Drip, drip, drip ...

We had hoped to be on our way on Friday morning, however, our keel continues to drip water from the small scrape we suffered in the 'incident' on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the epoxy repair cannot be made until the keel is 100% dry, so with the long weekend upon us, we remain in Little Current until Tuesday morning when the marina staff return to work. The good news is that the drip finally appears to have stopped, so we should be good and dry come Tuesday morning.

In the meantime, we are enjoying the company of Ken & Sue and their family (who generously loaned us a car so that we could further explore Manitoulin Island at our leisure). Weather continues to be fantastic so a lazy few days it is! We are still well within our timeline for reaching Chicago by late September. In fact, all going well, we should be there in a couple of weeks.

We were surprised this morning with the arrival of a real cruise ship in Little Current. One of the Pearl Sea Cruise Lines ships (that we had never heard of). Have enjoyed a toodle around the island (great views) and out to Providence Bay for dinner at the old school house restaurant. Not such a bad place to be for a few days layover. Enjoying relaxing, reading, quilting and board games. Life is good :). Happy Labour Day Weekend!

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