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The weather Gods are with us!

After 2 nights on Muskegon Lake, we finally got some flat seas to motor on! We are nearing the south east corner of Lake Michigan (thank goodness), and conditions are 50/50 good and bad (and nothing in between).

Today was a good day. We left Lake Muskegon at 8:00 and headed south on great seas. We put Catan on 'auto pilot' (we still have to pay attention, just not steer at the helm), and headed south towards South Haven. This next port of call has been awarded one of the 10 top ports in the world for small vessels. We arrived shortly after 2:00 with lots of time to explore the quaint town. This included a visit to an amazing used book store (whose owners knew other 'loopers' who lived next door.

A fun conversation ensued with these experienced sailors who regaled us with their looper stories. We enjoyed the repartee and picked up some great books to boot.

South Haven is a great stop on our journey. The bookstore owners have 2 labradoodles - and Beau made fast friends. Of course, there were dog treats involved. Oh, and Beau was TOTALLY the best behaved. By far.

We hope to make some good tracks again tomorrow, but weather will dictate. At this point we are within 2 days of exiting Lake Michigan ~ happy dance! So, we will go with the weather flow. Currently tied up at the municipal marina in South Haven and had a lovely dinner out. Life is good. Also have spoken to our 3 kids in the last couple of days, so feeling totally caught up! Adventure continues ...

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