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And, we're back!

Sorry for the delay in posting. I flew back to the Hamilton / St. Catharines area from Oct. 21 - 28 to visit with family, and to host a baby shower for Jillian, Ben & Orson. It was a great week and lots of time with our two grand-babies. Oh, they are such a blessing! Orson is a big boy (photo at 10 weeks), with his dad's dimples and his mom's eyes (and grandma's quilt). Lessie is just adorable - a lively personality and talks a mile a minute!

After arriving back in Florence, Alabama late on the 28th, we had a week of long days ahead pushing further south on the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway. Many beautiful, serene nights on anchor in quiet oxbows well off the main commercial channel. It felt good to get back on the boat and on our way. Eric was more than ready to get going after holding the fort for a week in Florence with Beau.

We have been travelling in convoy for a few days with 3 other boats (including our friends from Thunder Bay who we met on Lake Michigan). It is fun to anchor together and have some social time or go out for dinner if we're in a marina together. The boating community is so very friendly, helpful and welcoming. The photo below was taken at sunrise from our back deck after a quiet, calm night anchoring with our friends.

And now we find ourselves in a beautiful marina in Demopolis, AL after days of winding downriver between Mississippi & Alabama. We are planning to sit tight here in Demopolis for the better part of the month of November. There is no rush to get to the Gulf of Mexico ~ we want to ensure that hurricane season is well past before venturing out into unprotected waters.

Some exploring ahead in the local area, but mostly relaxing and getting caught up on some boat projects. With weather in the high 20's, we're enjoying every minute of this down time off the river.

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