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My vacation from vacation :)

My annual girl's trip was not to be sacrificed for Catan's wanderings. And so, I am spending a week with friends at a beautiful resort near Cancun. Yes, a whole week of being pampered, laughing with friends and drinking wine. It is certainly good for the soul! Eric is still in Demopolis, AL keeping watch on the boat and Beau. Thank you, hon, for holding the fort, so to speak, and not missing me too much!

The weather in Mexico is just perfect - high 20's every day and sunny. We enjoyed a day-long catamaran trip with a stop for snorkeling, some beach time and free time on the quaint island of Isla Mujeres. Some free time to wander through the market & shops, a delicious lunch and a slow sail back to the resort - a perfect day.

Alas, we also got word this week of someone very dear to us who was just diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. News like this really makes you stop in your tracks. You think, you pray, and you wonder - why? And then you pray some more and take stock of all of the blessings in your life. And you give thanks for every single one. It also reinforces to us why we are taking this adventure now - because we don't know what tomorrow will bring.

It will soon be time to head back to Alabama and to the wanderings of Catan & crew. Time to get moving south towards the Gulf of Mexico.

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