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Captain's Log - Part 12

This is just a quick update. Located south of Myrtle Beach, we are just off the Waccamaw River in the Cypress Swamp, anchored in Sandhole Creek. It is a very natural setting, with budding trees all around us and no signs of civilization. We like these anchorage scenarios for the peace and tranquility.

In fact we like them so much, we plan on staying here for the next three days, in large part because there is foul weather forecasted. Conventional wisdom might suggest we motor to the nearest marina and pay dearly to do little in the bad weather, but perhaps we have become unconventional through the course of our looping adventure. It is funny how we pick and choose these little challenges to test (or entertain) ourselves, but I guess that is what we signed up for.

That said, we are not doing this on a whim. We have now built up a depth and breadth of experience to assess these situations. What is uncommon for our blog readers is very common for us; we have lived this maritime lifestyle 24/7 for ten months now. Our anchor is dug in deep and we threw out a second anchor off the stern for good measure. This is a very protected anchorage with effectively no current to speak of, given the modest 3.5’ tide change. We feel confident to ride out the stormy days ahead tucked away in this anchorage.

Alison just woke up and came through (looking sexy as hell) and with a child-like grin says “we have three “PD” days ahead of us”. I smile at the prospect of three days of doing nothing, but chasing my wife around the boat (just joking honey), and getting back into my book. We have everything we need here on Catan and look forward to having a front row seat to see what nature sends our way. Why miss this unique opportunity to experience life and nature?

We too are staying tuned for more adventures…

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